Wednesday, February 10, 2010

1 month later

Really keeping on top of the writing.

It was very much by chance I ended up in Tulancingo in the first place. Of all the places I read about or heard about, I never came across Tulancingo. The only reason I went there is because I was looking into hitch hiking Mexico, found a guy that did and even made a TV show about it, sent him a message asking about hitching Mexico, and after a few messages ended up coming to his town.

It's not a particularly beautiful city, nothing really out of the ordinary to draw it to your attention, not a ton (sometimes anything) to do. According to Wikipedia, it has 6 times the population of Morgantown, but it always felt smaller. Yet I was there for almost a month solid. Chalk that up to the people there, definitely made the stay worth it.

The guy I was 'staying with' introduced me to half the town I think, between his family and his friends. I say 'staying with' because I bounced around with other people more often than actually staying with him, and got offers from a dozen more to crash at their places. Awesome people.

It was a month so lots of stuff happened- here is what comes to mind. Working for free drinks.
Sleeping in a bar. Girls. Lots of beautiful girls. Meeting lots of people. Pretending to remember all the people.

I was at a pool hall one night, and three random guys that barely spoke any English struck up a conversation with me, bought us drinks all night and we stayed till well after closing until they had to kick us out. That's a good summary for the people in general, friendly, talkative, curious why the hell I am there, fun times.

There are mother fuckers there too though. I was keeping my stuff at the bar, and some piece of shit got into the shelf up above the bar and stole my ipod. About a week later they came back for the ipod charger. Someone that was trusted to hang around the bar I assume, back behind it where my stuff was. Pretty frustrating.

I still haven't seen violence in Mexico first hand, but unfortunately one friend was jumped and robbed while riding his bike home, lost all his things and got a black eye.

I saw the pyramids at Teotihuacan, very sweet- much much bigger than I expected. Tons of pictures, actually tons of pictures of everything but I still have no way to get anything off of this camera. Sony blows. I got my first official hitch hiking experience in Mexico and a travel partner now. A girl I had met in the bar told me she always wanted to be on the Amazing Race and travel around- and she had hitch hiked around Mexico before. So we went together to Teotihuacan and hitch hiked, everything went well. She was in a crazy situation there so I figured shit why not and now we are traveling the country together. She knows less English than I know Spanish, it's been interesting.

What else.. tons of awesome food, some only found in/around Tulancingo. Markets with tons of bootleg, pirated, copied stuff, I bought a new movie not out on DVD in the US yet.. cost me a little over $1 US.